SolarPACES 2024

2024 Program

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this year's excellent program. You can check it out again here:

Detailed Program 


We are pleased to share the following speech from the opening session.

Italian Minister for Environment and Energy Security



"It is an honor for me to open this important event, which addresses crucial issues for the future of our planet and our energy system and showcases the main research outcomes and the progress of ongoing projects and initiatives.

Italy is actively working to meet the commitments made under the Paris Agreement. Together with European Union, our country pursues some of the most ambitious climate goals in the world, aiming to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, with intermediate milestones set for 2030.

The complex path we have undertaken towards a sustainable economy does not lend itself to simple solutions and will require a radical paradigm shift compared to the past, both in terms of technology and socio-economic aspects. To achieve full decarbonization, the use and integration of a mix of energy sources, technologies, and carriers will be needed, following a technologically neutral approach. The European Union has identified a set of technologies that can contribute to this goal; among these, is concentrating solar thermal (CST), a versatile technology that, by allowing the production of electricity, high-temperature heat, and renewable fuels, can contribute to the decarbonization of the electricity, industrial, and transportation sectors, also impacting on the so-called “hard-to-abate” sectors.

The vision of the European Union Strategic Energy Technology Plan “SET Plan” is reflected in our National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan, where renewable energies play a key role both in achieving the 2030 decarbonization goals and in countering energy crises caused by geopolitical factors or global emergencies, forming a key element for a sustainable and resilient energy system. By 2030, we aim to meet at least 40% of our final energy consumption through renewables, and over 63% counting the electric sector alone. CSP will be part of the national energy mix; we aim to install a total capacity of 80 MW by 2030. We are aware that this goal is not comparable to the more than 6.6 GW installed worldwide to date and the approximately 1.6 GW under construction; however, this represents a significant scale-up compared to the current size of plants in Italy.

The Ministry of Environment and Energy Security has undertaken multiple actions and measures for the development and deployment of renewable energies. Alongside the implementation of reforms and investments under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, a significant effort is being made to simplify the permitting for the construction of renewable energy plants, as well as to define a new incentive framework aimed at providing adequate financial support and the necessary stability for investments in the sector. Regarding CSP, a new decree has just been published, which promotes the construction of renewable electricity generation plants based on innovative technologies or with high operating costs. Furthermore, a new legislative decree, currently under consultation, collects and consolidates all regulations governing the use of renewables, replacing the most relevant existing legislation and simplifying the legislative framework for renewables. Finally, a decree is in the process of being approved, which mandates an increase in the renewable share of thermal energy sold by public and private companies, with supportive measures envisaged.

Another central element I wish to highlight is the importance of international collaboration.

Only through global cooperation can we truly tackle the various challenges that lie ahead, as reiterated at recent G7 and G20 summits. Italy strongly believes that the sharing of information and best practices, along with "energy diplomacy" actions, are essential for advancing knowledge while ensuring fair and sustainable global development.

In this regard, the International Energy Agency (IEA) and today's event play a primary role. Our country has been a strong supporter of the IEA’s Technological Collaboration Programme since its inception, actively contributing to various projects. Today, we are involved in 11 of the 12 Technology Collaboration Programmes under the Renewable Energy Working Party. ENEA represents Italy on the Executive Committee of the SolarPACES Technology Collaboration Programme and coordinates the organization of the Conference. We are therefore proud to host such an important event for the activities of SolarPACES.

I would like to conclude by emphasizing the importance of research, competitive development, and innovation, which are indispensable drivers for a real ecological transition and the establishment of a new sustainable and resilient energy model. The Ministry I lead manages funds related to major national and international research, development, and innovation programs, such as Mission Innovation and the National Electric System Research, which finances, among others, a project on CST with 2.3 million euros over the 2021-2024 period. This conference therefore represents an important opportunity for dialogue, sharing, and collaboration between research and industry excellence.

Thank you, and I wish you a fruitful conference."